Saturday 20 December 2014

Eight Great Date Night Movies For Football Season

In my “Love Essentially” column published today in Sun-Times Local Media papers, I list 8 great date night movies for football season. The thing is, though, you don’t have to be on a date to enjoy these! They are also awesome movies to watch with a girlfriend or even by yourself!

Eight Great Football Flicks You Will Love by Jackie Pilossoph
Many women consider football season their off-season, meaning they write off their spouses beginning at noon on Sunday, as well as on Monday and Thursday nights, from about mid September until the day after the Super Bowl.

But, without exception, every season includes date night. So, next Saturday night, why not put the kids to bed early and mix football with romance? Here are eight great movies that will give a guy his fill of football and at the same time provide love and romance guaranteed to warm your heart and fill your eyes with tears.

1. Draft Day (2014): The newest football movie, starring the still-hot-at-59 Kevin Costner and beautiful Jennifer Garner, had me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time, and this is coming from someone who had no idea how the NFL draft worked before seeing the movie. Costner and Garner make an adorable couple and surprisingly manage to have some relationship drama on draft day.

2. Varsity Blues (1999): Varsity Blues is the adorable story of a small Texas town where high school football is like a religion. There is of course, high school drama, but the strong team camaraderie is heartfelt. Then there are the powerful characters who make the film special; the hated head coach (played by Jon Voight) and the lovable quarterback (played by James Van Der Beek), who you’ll be cheering for the whole time.

3. Brian’s Song (1971): This oldie but goodie will make you sob. Seriously. Based on the true story of Chicago Bears player, Brian Piccolo, who died of cancer, and his teammate and best friend, Gayle Sayers, who was by his side until the end, Brian’s Song is funny, heartwarming and memorable. And, actors James Caan and Billy Dee Williams give amazing performances.

4. The Replacements (2000): Hilarity ensues when substitutes, also known as “the replacements” must step in during a pro football strike. This truly is a “root for the underdog” kind of movie, with loveble characters (including those played by Keanu Reeves and Jon Favreau), making it that much easier to cheer them on. My favorite scene in this movie is when the replacements are in a jail cell dancing the electric slide to the song, “I will survive.” Too cute!

5. The Blind Side (2009): I wept throughout this entire movie. Based on a true story, complete and utter selflessness is displayed by the Memphis family who gave Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy, a new life that included a college education and career in the NFL. There’s no romance in The Blind Side, but it will inspire you, make you feel great, and trust me, your tears will flow.

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