Saturday 20 December 2014

Cute Friendship Latest 160 Word Text Messages

A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the 'bright lights' of our friendship.

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6 rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred, free your mind from worries, live simply, expect less, give more, and always have me as ur friend!

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God picked up a flower and dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it which turned into u, and then He gifted to me and said, this friend is 4u!

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Do u ever recall the first day we met? Or the first hello? The day we became friends? Well, I do and I will always remember. For that very day, I knew I'd cherish u.

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Think of me and keep in mind,
A faithful friend is hard to find.

But if you find one equal and true,
Never leave him for the new.

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Without a clue, I found you. Without a clue, we became friends. So when you feel there's nobody by your side and everybody leaves you behind, you'll see without a clue, I'm standing next to you.

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A Friend should be radical:
They should love you when you're 'unlovable',

Hug you when you're 'unhuggable',

And bear you when you're unbearable!

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God is so wise that he never created friends with price tags. Because if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!

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True friends are like mornings, u can't have them the whole day, but u can be sure they will be there when u wake up tomorrow, next year, and forever.

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A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates, but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it's okay because I've got you.

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A friend is like a book that has to be read to appreciate its beauty. You're one of the finest books ever written. How I wish you could be reprinted!

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God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day ... and I just caught one that's so nice and true ... it's you!

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Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.

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Do your feet never hurt ???? ... You are wandering around my thoughts all day long!

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True friends are like Diamonds ... they are real & rare. False friends r like leaves ... they r scattered everywhere.

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Handsome, sweet, intelligent, spontaneous, good looking, nice friends, charming, funny, well... Enough about ME! How about you?

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If friends were flowers, surely I would not pick you! I'd let you grow in the garden and cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you forever.

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Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things. It roots from one's heart and involves memories that stay not for a while but for a lifetime.

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