Tuesday 19 May 2015

WhatsApp Free New Calling Feature

Finally WhatsApp got a all new much awaited Material Design overhaul. From where you setup up your profile in installation to the group chat you enjoy is all new material and cleaner and Whatsapp is still working on it and making more changes.

Here are some awesome features of New Whatsapp:

  • Deep Green Title Bar and all three tabs(calls,chats,contacts) on the main screen. 
Contact's or Group's profile/info look amazing with a large cover image that shrinks to a title bar with a dominant color in the image when scrolled to see more information.

  • Neat new icons for search,making new call or sending new message in main screen and call and attach button in chat window.
  • White backgroung in emojis section.
  • All new impressive buttons for Gallery, Photo, Video, Audio, Location and Contact in attachment option pop-up.
  • New animations while Sending/Downloading Images or Video or Audio files and clicking Attach button.Animations may differ in different devices while they are still working on this issue.
  • A new circular white bubble indicator showing next to the tab's titles when there are unread messages or missed calls.
  • New colors in chat window with smaller message boxes and a floating typing block with a voice note button that animates into regular send button when you start typing.

  • No more black gallery to select photos its now like Google photos interface(white).

    • Settings menu is also now materialized with neat layout and check boxes.   

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