Sunday 31 May 2015

Death by Medicine Revisited

The mandatory health insurance due to be implemented January 2014 has no provisions for opting out. Allopathic medicine's "standard of care" will be "legally" enforced with vaccines, medications, annual health exams, including mental health exams. It will make drug treatment for such milestones as cholesterol over 180, fasting blood sugar, over 100 compulsory. Regular mammograms will be followed up with biopsies and surgery. In this system there will be no provision for natural alternatives. A Brave New World is upon us.

My 2005 research found an annual death rate of 783,936 due to medical interventions at a cost of $282 billion. I updated that figure in the 2008 edition of my Kindle/eBook, Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions and found that the number had actually risen to 895,936 with a price tag of $282.85 billion.

What's interesting is that the cost of iatrogenesis has decreased. When the iatrogenic figures came out in 2005, allopathic medicine tried to deny them but each new study they did uncovered more bodies. And when medicine set out to change the stats, it didn't aim for fewer deaths but for cost containment!

Another interesting aspect of my research for Death by Medicine was finding few if any deaths due to supplements. Yet, allopathic medicine keeps warning the public that supplements can be dangerous and we must be protected from them by restricting dosage and restricting access to prescriptions by doctors.

Promoting the allopathic medical agenda are websites like For the past year I've been gritting my teeth every time I do a health topic search on google and find Livestrong appearing in the top three results. I think Lance Armstrong proved pretty convincingly that he's pro drugs and his namesake website is definitely following his lead.

On, wellness posts make sure to emphasize the so-called "dangerous" aspects of natural medicine. What caught my attention most recently was an article warning pregnant women about the "Side Effects of Magnesium in Pregnancy" Recently someone asked me if magnesium was safe in pregnancy. My concern is that people google the words "magnesium in pregnancy" and up pops Livestrong's warning article making women afraid to take it. When in actuality, pregnant women need even more magnesium than anyone else to avoid high blood pressure, constipation, fluid retention, eclampsia and problems that a newborn infant can suffer if their mother is magnesium deficient. Taking enough magnesium in pregnancy is the best way to birth a healthy child.

I then googled the words " and magnesium" and found a file of over 200 articles on various magnesium topics written by many different authors, none of whom I've ever heard of. I don't know how educated these authors are about health but in all the articles I scanned there is only a superficial knowledge about magnesium.

Here's a quote from one article Can a Lack of Magnesium Cause an Irregular Heartbeat? "Although magnesium deficiency can cause an irregular heartbeat, it is not the only cause. According to, a variety of things can lead to arrhythmias."

The article then goes on to state that "Serious causes might include blocked coronary arteries, heart tissue scarring, high blood pressure, changes to the heart's structure and electrical shocks. Less severe causes might include diabetes, hyperthyroidism, smoking, excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine, stress and certain medications." The author then urges you to consult with your doctor to find the exact cause.

Unfortunately, the author and your doctor aren't going to tell you that:

1. Blocked coronary arteries are due to calcification that is caused by magnesium deficiency.

2. Heart tissue scarring can be prevented by daily intake of oral magnesium and also giving IV magnesium at the first signs of a heart attack.

3. High blood pressure is a sign of magnesium deficiency.

4. Diabetes can be caused by magnesium deficiency.

5. Excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine can drain magnesium.

6. Stress burns off magnesium like nothing else can.

7. And certain medications block magnesium for working.

Another article, "Cardiac Palpitations & Magnesium" said that "sometimes a nutritional problem, such as magnesium toxicity, may be the culprit." I suppose that one of the millions of medical errors that occur annually could be a case of too much IV magnesium being given to a patient resulting in heart palpitations but this is not made clear. The statement and others like it scare people and make them wary of incredibly safe interventions like magnesium.

The author is certainly not aware that I just received "The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012" at The Heart Rhythm Congress organized by the Heart Rhythm Society, September 2012. This award indicates that magnesium is of major concern to the arrhythmia community.

The mandate of medicine is to diagnose disease symptoms and treat with drugs or surgery. The mandate of drug companies is to sell drugs and vaccines and keep their investors happy. The mandate of government is to force you to buy into this monopolistic health care system. The mandate of the WHO and WTO is to force the world to comply with Codex Alimentarius and its low standardized amounts of a restricted number of dietary supplements.

If any of your have read my blogs and articles, you know that I try to maintain a positive stance and give people options and choices. But if your personal mandate is to stay healthy and avoid drugs, that's going to be very hard to maintain. You will have to buy health insurance, which you probably won't use, to the tune of a few thousand dollars a month.This means that all the healthy people will be subsidizing all the sick people who just get sicker the more drugs they take.

The threat to take away guns has riled up a lot of people, why doesn't the threat to take away your health freedom? Join Citizens for Health and the National Health Freedom Association to support those fighting for your right to choice in health care.

About the author:
About the author:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is The Doctor of the Future. She is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor in the forefront of the natural medicine revolution since 1979. 

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