Saturday, 6 December 2014

Top 10 Ways How to Get Rid of Hickey

A hickey, also known as a kiss mark or love bite, is actually a kind of bruise. These usually arise as a result of kissing and sucking the skin hardly. It leads to broken capillaries, and even the blood starts shedding. The skin goes red and, the hickies can last for over a week or two. Healing them timely is what you should take care of. Chances are there that you may develop a hickey when your beloved kisses you tightly, but here are the top 10 ways how to get rid of hickey.

10. Cold Compress

To heal hickies, the cold compress is a great way. It repairs the broken blood capillaries and keeps your skin free of redness. You should make sure to put some ice cubes in a paper towel and press gently against the skin for 20 minutes almost. Repeat the process every day until the hickies are healed totally.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

9. Peppermint Oil

The stimulant effects of peppermint are greatly helpful in improving the blood circulation. It is very useful to treat hickies. The capillary vessels are healed properly through this product. You should consider applying peppermint oil gently on the affected areas of the skin. You may have tingling sensation initially, but as the process is repeated, your hickies will start disappearing.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

8. Rubbing Alcohol

You can rub alcohol because it has disinfectant, soothing and cooling properties that are of great help to get rid of hickies. Apply some rubbing alcohol on the affected area of the skin with the help of a cotton ball. Keep on rubbing gently for some minutes. It greatly reduces the skin discomfort.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective natural moisturizer that helps to get rid of the sensitivity of the skin. It contains anti-inflammatory and soothing properties due to which it is very useful to get rid of hickey. You can extract fresh aloe vera gel and massage the bruises. Repeat the process two to three times a day until you see that your hickies have gone.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

6. Banana Peel

Banana peel has soothing and cooling properties. It is of great help to minimize your hickey faster. What you have to do is to cut the peel of a ripe banana as per the size of your hickey, and place it onto the skin for 10-20 minutes. Doing this process three times a day will be effective for your skin.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

5. Vitamin K

Vitamin K prevents coagulation (blood clots) and is useful to treat bruises. It helps your body reabsorb pooled blood and speeds up the healing procedure. Bring a lotion or skincare cream, containing excessive vitamin K. Just be assured that your product is branded and of high quality. Use it twice a day and massage the skin’s hickey area properly until the bruises vanish.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

4. Oranges

Oranges contain vitamin C, an essential nutrient to repair your skin. Due to its healing properties, vitamin C of oranges is highly recommended for hickies. You should drink fresh orange juice at least two times a day. If oranges aren’t available, then you can take 500 milligrams of vitamin C supplements daily.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

3. Warm Compress

Heat is also beneficial for hickies. It helps to dilate the capillaries and makes way for fresh new blood to circulate by cleaning up the mess. You should saturate a washcloth in hot water, wringing out the excess amount of water, and hold it onto your skin for several minutes. Repeat the process two times a day to get rid of hickey.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

2. Finger Massage

As the hickey gets older, gentle massage with fingers can be of great help. You should apply a skincare lotion on the affected area of the skin. Use your fingers to massage, instead of cotton etc. Keep on repeating the process two to three times a day. This greatly helps to increase the blood circulation and aids in the healing of hickies.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

1. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter works as an effective healing ingredient for bruises like hickies. It acts like an excellent moisturizer and helps in promoting the growth of new skin tissues. It also removes the damaged cells from the skin. You should apply cocoa butter on the hickies. Massage the skin gently for several minutes, and repeat the process five times a week.
How to Get Rid of Hickey

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