Saturday 20 December 2014

Romantic Good Night Text Messages 160 Words Latest

Good night... sleep tight... don't let the bed bugs bite!

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Goodnight luv

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I’d walk a thousand miles to be with you tonight. Missing you – g’night.

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Its big,
It’s warm,
It’s fuzzy.
Before you get ideas – it’s a big g’night HUG from me to you!

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When the night breeze blows my hair, I imagine they’re your kisses
I can stand missing you this much.

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God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and's YOU ! Love you and good night

One day I wish my dream would come true
And I’d wake up next to you. Till then Good Night!

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Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Good night my love!

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Just a line...2 keep in touch...
coz u r on my mind so very much...
& even though, I've nothing 2 say...
I’ll know...I thought of u 2day...Good night!

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I wish I was there to hold you tight, instead of just sending you this loving “Good Night.”

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Can’t wait to be in your arms again, my love. Good Night.
Every day I love you more than yesterday. Sweet dreams.

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Good night! I shall miss you till morning.

I don't dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.

Good night. Sleep tight. I wish you lovely dreams with all my might.


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