Sunday, 7 December 2014

Most Amazing Top 10 Facts About Hollywood

1. Hollywood was given its name by the real estate developer Hobart Johnstone Whitley while on his honeymoon in 1886.

2. In 1904, the voters of Hollywood decided, by a majority of 113 to 96, to banish the sale of alcohol in the town, except for medicinal purposes.

3. The first film to be made entirely in Hollywood was the 17-minute short In Old California directed by D.W. Griffith, released in 1910.

4. The huge ‘Hollywood’ sign was put up in 1923 and originally spelt out the word ‘Hollywoodland’.

5. The letters were originally 50ft high.

6. The final four letters were removed in 1949 when the sign was rebuilt with 45ft-high letters.

7. The sign, originally intended to last only a year, was declared a historical landmark in 1973.

8. In 1932, Broadway actress Peg Entwistle committed suicide by jumping off the letter H.

9. The 2,488 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, honour “a community whose name means glamour and excitement in the four corners of the world”.

10. "In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally" (Somerset Maugham).

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