Saturday 20 December 2014


What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife ?
A - One Woman Brings U into this world crying...
the other ensures you continue to do so.

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It is said that Husband is the head of the family,
Remember that wife is the Neck of the family.
& the Neck can turn the Head exactly the way she wants. :)

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When a married man says- "I'll think about it",
What he really means that,
He doesn't know his wife's opinion yet.. :-P

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Wife : Do you want dinner?
Husband : Sure, what are my choices?
Wife : Yes and no.

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Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Darling : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Darling : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem Can there be greater than this one?

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wife:honey,what are you looking for?
husband: nothing
wife:why have you been reading our marriage certificate for an hour ?
husband: i was just looking for the expiry date

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Husband asks: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means...
Without Information, Fighting Everytime!
WIFE says: No darling , it means :-
With Idiot For Ever

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A man in Hell asked Devil:
Can I make a call to my Wife?
After making call he asked how much to pay.
Devil : Nothing, Hell to hell is Free.
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HUSBAND and WIFE are like 2 tyres of a vehicle
If 1 punctures, the vehicle can't move further
always Keep a SPARE TYRE....

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Husband was seriously ill.
Doc to wife :-
Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in gud mood,
don’t discuss ur problems,
no tv serial, dont demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok.
On the way home..
Husband :- wat did the doc say ?
Wife :- .No chance for u to survive

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A successful man is one
who makes more money
his wife can spend.

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