Monday 1 December 2014

20 Of The Coolest Librarians To Follow On Twitter

Librarians have gotten a bad rap in the past, represented as bookwormish and ‘uncool’. But the fact is that today, librarians are really beginning to build up a name for themselves with their deep knowledge base and their access to huge stores of information. And social media has made it easier than ever to connect with librarians that are far beyond the norm.

Twitter, for example, has offered librarians the chance to connect with millions of other people and today there are many librarians who have large followings on Twitter thanks to their informative and entertaining posts, their willingness to share knowledge, and their ability to interact with others.

If you’re looking for some librarians or library related Twitter feeds to add to your connections list, here are 75 of the coolest accounts on Twitter that you need to consider linking up to.

@griffey – Jason Griffey is a librarian at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

@askundergrad – This is the official Twitter account for the undergrad library of UIUC

@heyjudeonline – Twitter profile for Judy O’Connell, the head librarian at St. Joseph’s College

@heatherloy – Heather is a librarian in South Carolina with an informative Twitter feed

@acmorton – Andy Morton works as the University of Richmond’s Tech Librarian

@amylibrarian – Amy Springer works as an academic librarian with many tweets focused on a variety of subjects.

@ghardin – Located in Denton, Texas, Greg Hardin tweets regularly on numerous subjects

@chriskeene – Chris posts regular updates about the University of Sussex Library

@dmcordell – Twitter feed for an upstate New York Teacher and Librarian with a growing number of followers

@neerav – A former political candidate, Neerav Bhatt is also a full time blogger and librarian

@OkStateLibrary – Regular news updates from the OK State University Library System

@cathyjo – Cathy Nelson is a media specialist in a school library

@bookjewel – bookjewel is a teacher/librarian as well as a lifelong geek and learner

@monarchlibrary – Regular tweets about technology and library related topics

@MrMLibrarian – Twitter feed for a librarian devoted to promoting reading in young people

@jessnevins – Jess is a reference librarian at the University of California at Riverside and also an encyclopedia author

@jennyluca – Anther librarian and teacher on Twitter, Jenny tweets regularly

@mstephens7 – Michael Stephens works as an Assistant Professor in the Dominican University Grad School of Library and Information Science.

@uncw_library – This is the official Twitter feed for the Randall Library at UNCW

@LesaHolstine – Lesa is a librarian, blogger, and book reviewer

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